Tuesday, September 14, 2021

#WantsToJourney2021 Ch. 5


Now that the Team Skull grunts were out of the way and my team was healed again, it was time to take on the very first Island Captain’s Challenge!

Joel and I followed Captain Ilima to the site of his challenge. We stopped by the Malasada shop and grabbed Hau so he can join us, and also found Lillie to inform her of our departure. She elected to stay in the city to continue shopping and wished us luck!

Captain Ilima allowed us to all ride in his Jeep to the site of his challenge. The 4 of us loaded up and drove past Route 2, the Hau’oli Cemetary, past the Big Wave Beach where we caught Joel his Magikarp, and past the Berry Fields where people plant and harvest berries to feed Pokémon! 

We finally reach the Verdant Cave where Captain Ilima’s Island Challenge takes place. 

Captain Ilima informed us that the challenge is pretty straight forward:

Battle 3 Pokémon within the Cave and then take on the Cave’s Totem Pokémon.

Totem Pokémon are Pokémon in the wild that are incredibly strong! They have immense power and are almost impossible to defeat. They protect other Pokémon within their territory.

If we manage to take on all 3 Pokémon and then defeat the Totem Pokémon, we would complete the challenge and be rewarded the Z-Crystal called Normillium Z, which helps unlock the potential of Normal Type Moves!

He also informed us that there were Two different species in the Cavern competing for dominance, however the species more active would depend on the time of day. It was currently the middle of the afternoon and the sun was out, so that would definitely make a difference!

The last thing Captain Ilima informed us of was that we were NOT allowed to catch any Pokémon until AFTER we completed the Trial.

Captain Ilima asked who would like to go first, and I immediately stepped forward. I was confident that my Pokémon team and I were up for the challenge! Captain Ilima smiled, and urged me to do my best.

I stepped foot into the cavern, and my Trial began!

From the moment I walked inside, I could feel the atmosphere change. There was a power coursing through the cavern. I began to look around, and soon I found a small, brown and tan tail sticking out of the one or the dens. I stepped up and peered inside, and out pooped a Yungoos hissing at me! I quickly let out my new buddy Grimer, and the battle began! It didn’t take long to overcome the little Yungoos, and I moved on. One down!

I quickly began searching for another Yungoos and began searching dens. It took a few moments, but I finally found my second encounter and this time I chose Litten to take it on. Two battles down and one more to go before the Totem Pokémon!

It took nearly an hour before a third Yungoos appeared. I let out Munchlax to finish out my task.

It was finally time for the Totem to make itself known, and it wasted NO TIME in doing so.

As SOON as I beat the third Yungoos, a loud roar rang out all around the cavern! I followed where the sound came from and there, standing in an open area was a tall, imposing looking Gumshoos! My Rotom Phone informed me that this was the evolved form of Yungoos.

Yungoos surrounded us in a circle. The Gumshoos stomped one of its feet and stood in a fighting pose. 

I decided to go with my Munchlax, but let all 3 of my Pokémon so that Litten and Grimer could cheer us on and also take care of any of the Yungoos if they tried to interfere. 

Gumshoos struck first and took the lead. Munchlax was strong, and took most of the hits, but not without it taking a toll on him. I encouraged Munchlax to look for an opening and try to lick Gumshoos so that we could maybe paralyze it, and sure enough Gumshoos let it’s guard down! Munchlax took advantage of the opening and got off the paralysis! I told Munchlax to tackle, and it didn’t do much damage, but the tides were turning.

One of the Yungoos began to charge Munchlax, but Litten stopped it. Another began to move forward and Grimer growled at it. My team was working hard! We were beginning to really become I sync.

The Gumshoos shook off the paralysis and scratched at Munchlax, but Munchlax managed to dodge it and scratch back! Gumshoos got angry and went all out scratching left and right! Munchlax got hit several times, but finally managed to dodge out of the way and connected with a loud headbutt. The Gumshoos went down, and the battle was over.

We won!

Munchlax immediately fell over from exhaustion. I ran to him and held him close. I told him he fought amazingly! Grimer and Litten came over too and tried to tend to Munchlax’s wounds.

Gumshoos stood to its feet, clearly weakened, and bowed. He then walked back into the cavern depths, and the Yungoos followed. There, at the back of the open area, was a Totem Pole with a shining crystal protruding from it. I walked forward and placed my hand on it, taking it for myself.

I immediately felt that same power I felt when walking inside this place. This was it: a Z-Crystal!

I led my Pokémon out of the Cavern and back to the entrance where Joel, Lillie, Hau, and Captain Ilima were waiting.

I raised my hands in the air, one holding Munchlax’s arm raising it in victory and the other holding the Z-Crystal.

Our first Trial was a success.

(Picture credit to AuraGoddess on DeviantArt.com)

Link: https://www.deviantart.com/auragoddess/art/Totem-Gumshoos-Sun-s-first-trial-Pokemon-669187773

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#WantsToJourney2021 Ch. 9

  The pile rumbled and berries began to shake and fall to the ground, and a light blue object pushed from the mound into the air! Hau jumped...