Wednesday, September 22, 2021

#WantsToJourney2021 Ch. 8


After all of the excitement of Team Skull threatening our group, we needed to take a breather, so we decided to all stay with Professor Kukui at his Lab. 

Mr. Oak felt partially responsible for Team Skulls’ invasion, so he decided to make us all a big dinner! We laughed and ate and by the end of the evening we had all mostly forgotten about what happened.

The next day Joel and I had to log on to a computer and take part in our virtual online school. Mom and Dad made us promise that if we were going to take on the Island Challenge that we would have to keep up our school work. Since so many students take on the challenge, our school offered classes on line once a week. The class work is difficult, but our teacher is really nice, and Professor Kukui and Lillie helped us with our homework.

Lillie is really Smart! She is a whiz at math, and is also really good at teaching and making things easier to understand. Professor Kukui is super smart about science, too! 

Our teacher also asked us to write a report on the history of the island, and Mr. Oak told us all about the local history and legends of the island guardians. It all sounds so cool!

After we finished up our school work, it was time to train! Professor Kukui said that the next step on our challenge was taking on the Island’s Kahuna! All four islands have a Kahuna and a Grand Trial. Hau’oli Grandfather, Kahuna Hala, was this Island’s Kahuna.

Hau was fired up! He asked me to take him on in a battle to prepare. I happily agreed!

Hau started the battle off with his newest partner, Eevee, so I started out with my newest buddy, Alolan Grimer. Hau told Eevee to attack with Swift and connected with a hard hit, but got stuck in Grimer’s goo. I hollered for Grimer to bite down hard! Grimer listened and Eevee was in a bind. Eevee struggled free and hit Grimer with a Quick Attack! Grimer was hit again and this time I told Grimer to retaliate with a pound and it sent Eevee flying. I had Grimer finish off Eevee with another pound, but Grimer actually accessed a new move instead! Grimer let out a purple gas cloud that was poisonous and Eevee inhaled it and went down.

I ran over to hug Grimer and got covered in it’s goo, but we both laughed.

Hau returned Eevee and thanked it for such a good battle. He smiled and complimented Grimer and I’s strategy and then sent out Popplio. I told Grimer to wait on the sidelines next to Joel and Magikarp and sent out Litten. I knew Litten was at a type advantage, but the win with Alolan Grimer had me fired up!

I began to get a little cocky and told Litten to charge Popplio and scratch, and Hau told Popplio to dodge the incoming attack and use bubble beam. Litten got hit HARD! I called for Litten to shake it off and try licking Popplio. Litten connected, but it didn’t paralyze Popplio. Popplio then tackled Litten and hit him with another bubble beam. I yelled for Litten to shot with an ember, but it was too late. Litten went down.

I ran over and scooped Litten up and apologized for acting rashly, and Litten licked my face to show he forgave me. I walked Litten over to Lillie, who had a worried look on her face. She got scared, but saw how hurt Litten was and held him and petted his back.

I told Hau he really humbled me, and he responded saying we were all tied up.

Hau sent out his Pichu, and I sent out Munchlax.

Pichu attacked first! He ran and hit Muchlax with a quick attack! Muchlax absorbed the hit and hit Pichu back with a tackle. Pichu dodged the tackle and got close enough to Munchlax to paralyze him! Muchlax couldn’t move! Pichu used another quick attack. It didn’t hurt Munchlax very much, but he still couldn’t move. Pichu came back with a third Quick Attack, and Munchlax finally shook off the paralysis and head butt Pichu hard! Pichu got stunned for a second, and Muchlax tried to Lick and paralyze Pichu. To our surprise, it worked! Munchlax hit with another headbutt, and it looked like Pichu went down for the count, but Pichu used his last bit of energy to hit Muchlax with a thundershock! Muchlax went down for the count, but fell on Pichu, and he passed out, too. Both of them fainted.

I help Munchlax get off of Pichu and Hau ran to Pichu’s side. He scooped up Pichu and held him in the air and spun around excitedly shouting how amazing the battle was! I hugged Munchlax and held his hand high in the air praising him! Pichu and Munchlax both smiled and beamed with pride.

We all went inside to heal up our teams and Professor Kukui informed us that he was watching from the window and that we had some pretty sweet moves. Mr. Oak chimed in and said that it seemed Hau and I were evenly matched.

Hau’s stomach began to rumble loudly and he laughed and sheepishly said that he guessed our battle worked up an appetite. Mr. Oak laughed and suggested Hau and I along with Lillie and Joel go and collected some nearby berries and the he would make us some curry! He learned a recipe when he was traveling in the Galar Region. We all agreed and set off! 

Professor Kukui suggested we head to Route 3 near the Melemele Meadow; several berry trees grow there where anyone can pick from. We set off!

Hau led the way with his Pichu resting on his head. Lillie followed behind with her egg in an incubator in a sling across her chest. Muchlax and I followed behind her, and Joel and his Magikarp brought up the rear.

We finally made it to Route 3 and found the berry trees! There were so many!! There were also LOTS of Pokémon in the area. Everyone loved the berries!

Hau ran to nearby pile of berries that had fallen out of a tree and began putting them in his bag. Pichu even helped hand him berries! Lillie began observing some of the nearby Pokémon; there were Butterfrees and Mankeys and Passimians and even a few Cutieflies and Spearrows smiling and munching on berries at some of the other trees.

Joel began munching on a berry and dropped some pieces of a berry in Magikarp’s fish bowl. Magikarp ate them as they floated towards him and began swimming around in glee. An Oricorio walked up and looked at the berries quizzically. Joel held out a berry to share and offered it to the Oricorio and it ate it happily and chirped affectionately!

A nearby Trainer walked over and challenged Munchlax and I to a battle! The Trainer’s name was Ian and sent out his Psyduck and Munchlax and I made quick work of them. Ian took the battle hard, but I walked over and thanked him for the awesome battle! He smiled and thanked me and walked away.

Lillie, Joel, and I came back together and walked towards Hau. Hau and Pichu had packed their bag sooo full that they could hardly lift it, but they were steadily looking for more berries. They made their way to another pile of berries and as they picked up a berry, the pile began to move!

Something was in the pile?!

(Picture from Bulbapedia)

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#WantsToJourney2021 Ch. 9

  The pile rumbled and berries began to shake and fall to the ground, and a light blue object pushed from the mound into the air! Hau jumped...